
Treating headaches and nerve problems

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A headache can be caused by numerous issues. These can include infections that are bacterial, brain tumours, and brain haemorrhages. Once the problem has been found that causes the headache, treatment is started, these headaches normally subside.

Are the headaches dull and achy?


Tension-type headaches, the most common variety of headaches:

  • Could experience a constricted band of discomfort around the head, a dull ache or force
  • May cause slight to modest pain on either side of the head
  • May be caused by anxiety, neck tension, skipping meals, sadness, nervousness or sleep deprivation
  • Differ extensively in frequency, can be intermittent or occur longer than two weeks.
  • Sometimes it might last from 30 minutes up to a week

The nervous system

The nervous system is the part of the brain that allows the body to communicate with itself, thus allowing it to control bodily functions. It contains a nerve cell as the building block, and each nerve cell works together to help get the body functioning as it should.

Headaches and brain hemorrhages

A headache arises when there is damage to the blood vessel in the skull. When this happens the person may have neck soreness, problems controlling their body. A brain hemorrhage is a serious medical issue and requires emergency treatment. The blood vessels can be weakened by factors such as:

  • Build of fatty deposits in the arteries known as atherosclerosis
  • Having brain tumors that invade the tissue and blood vessels as it grows
  • Some type of head trauma
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Having an aneurysm

Brain tumors and headaches

Having a brain tumor is rare. However, they can happen. The symptoms that a person shows are going to depend on the location of the tumour, along with the size and what type of tumor this is. The symptoms can include:

  • Losing control over the body
  • Personality changes
  • A headache that is chronic, aching and dull

If diagnosed early, brain tumors are more likely to be recovered from. This is especially true if the tumor is benign.

Headache with infection and inflammation

There are numerous infections that can cause headaches. With an infection, a person often has a fever, seizures, rashes on the skin and stiff neck. Some of the common infections that because headaches include:

  • Shingles: this occurs in the body after having chicken pox
  • Meningitis: This is an inflammation of the membrane lining of the central nervous system
  • Post-Viral Neuralgias: These infection cause nerve irritations
  • Temporal Arteritis: The blood vessels become inflamed

Nerve damage can cause:

  • Tumours
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Infection
  • Trauma

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