
How to take care of boils

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When a hair follicle becomes infected, this is called a boil. It is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus, which is commonly found on the skin and in the nose. This is harmless in terms of how severe this infection is. It can cause more severe infections if it were to get into the deeper tissues of the skin.

Boils are more susceptible in certain areas of the body including the throat, face, groin, armpits and buttocks. Eyelids can have a boil, but these are referred to as styes. The good news is that boils usually cure themselves. Medical treatment may be needed in cases in which the boil has been present for a while or the boil keeps coming back. Medical treatment will include either draining the boil or lancing this, then utilizing antibiotics.


What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of a boil include:

  • The skin becomes inflamed and tender
  • The lump appears that can be painful
  • The bump has a yellow or white head after a few days
  • The boil can burst and pus will drain out
  • The site begins to heal
  • A scar may form, depending on how severe this boil is

Risk factors

Anytime there is a cut or abrasion on the skin, this can lead to bacteria getting into this, causing a boil to form. However, there are certain issues that can make a person more likely to develop a boil. These factors include:

  • Having poor hygiene and not removing the dead skin cells from the body
  • Diabetes that is poorly treated
  • Not having good nutrition as your natural immunity may be low
  • Eczema and other skin conditions that result in broken skin can increase the chances of developing a boil

Self-care measures

There are several things you can do to treat a boil:

  • Do not squeeze the boil as this can make it hurt worse and infect other areas of the skin
  • Use an antiseptic soap to wash
  • Utilize a hot compress over the boil to help this come to a head. Use this 10 minutes at a time, three or four times per day.
  • Use a band-aid to cover the busted boil
  • Wash your hands to prevent spreading the infection
  • Every time you wash, use a fresh towel
  • If the symptoms have not improved in a few days, see a doctor

Medical treatment

When a person goes to a doctor for boil treatment, this treatment will include:

  • Checking for underlying issues that could be causing these boils, such as diabase
  • Prescription of antibiotics to help with bodily infections
  • Recommend the use of antiseptic shampoos or soaps
  • Using antibiotic creams in the nose to prevent the bacteria from spreading
  • Ensuring better personal hygiene
  • Laundering all bedding and towel

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