Sciatica is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve and usually affects only one area of the body which is very severe and weakening. The pain spreads from the lower back to the rear of the thigh and down the leg. It causes burning or tingling sensation felt down the leg, numbness and weakness and severe pain that causes difficulty in standing or sitting down.
What are the indications of sciatica?
- Pain or discomfort in the hip
- Lower back pain
- Pain or discomfort in the back and pain in the leg becomes worse especially if being seated
- Burning or prickly sensation felt down the leg
- Severe pain that causes difficulty in standing up
- Weakness and numbness or difficulty in moving the leg or foot
Pain or discomfort in the back and pain in the leg becomes worse especially if being seated
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Spasms of muscle in the back or buttocks
- Degenerative disc disease or the breakdown of the disc
- Spondylolisthesis
- Pregnancy
- Overweight
- Lack of regular exercise
- Wearing high-heeled shoes
- Sleeping in a very soft mattress
- Apply hot or cold compress on the affected area to lessen the pain and inflammation while the warm compress eases the tension of the muscles that compress the sciatic nerve. Cold compress numbs the pain and minimizes the swelling around the nerve. Both can be alternately applied to the area by starting with the warm compress and end with the cold compress. Apply for at least 15-20 minutes. Wrap the ice pack in a cloth or towel before placing on the affected area to prevent frostbite. The warm compress is prepared by soaking a face cloth in hot water, wring out the excess water and apply on the affected area. Perform this process every hour until the symptoms subside.
- Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of milk. Boil the mixture and add a few drops of honey and drink this at least 1-2 times every day for best results. Another alternative is to take the prescribed turmeric supplement. Avoid giving turmeric supplement if using blood thinners and diabetic medications.
- Massage the affected area using St. John’s wort oil for at least 2-3 times every day. St. John’s wort has anti-inflammatory properties that can lessen the pain and inflammation.
- Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles for fast recovery from the condition.
- Avoid making sudden movements
- Maintain a good posture to lessen the pressure placed on the lower back.
- Perform regular exercises but avoid the intense ones
- Practice proper techniques in lifting with the back straight and knees bent.
- Avoid smoking to prevent disc degeneration
- Sleep on a mattress that is not too firm nor too soft