A pinched nerve involves compression of a nerve in the shoulder where there is significant pressure applied to the tissues in the area. Sometimes, it can be caused by injuries to the bone or cartilage in the shoulder, but it is usually an injury to the muscles and tendons.
- Those who have carpal tunnel syndrome and women are more susceptible to this condition.
- Women with large breasts and have bad posture
- Excess weight or being overweight places significant pressure on the muscles and nerves
- Individuals who have poor posture are susceptible to end up with a pinched nerve in the shoulder.
- Women who are pregnant are prone to develop a pinched nerve in the shoulder due to the swelling from pregnancy that results to additional pressure on the nerve pathways.
The arm feels numb and there is diminished sensation due to the nerve that is being compressed. - Other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can cause compression and damage to the nerve and puts the individual at high risk for ending up with a pinched nerve in the shoulders.
- The arm feels numb and there is diminished sensation due to the nerve that is being compressed.
- “Pins and needles” sensations can be felt on the arm or a feeling that the arm has fallen asleep.
- A sharp and burning pain that spreads from the affected area
- Pain becomes worse when resting or sleeping
Treatment for a pinched nerve
- Create a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon. Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave in place for at least 10 minutes and rinse with water. Take note that this will make the skin slightly red. Eliminate the redness by sitting up straight and sleep without a pillow to achieve the best results.
- Apply a hot water bottle on the affected to help lessen the discomfort caused by the pinched shoulder nerve. Another alternative is sitting in a hot bath which is also beneficial to the condition.
- Heat ½ cup of olive oil until hot but comfortable to touch. Utilize this oil to massage the affected area. Remember that olive oil helps lessen the symptoms of the pinched nerve.
- Encourage the individual to increase the consumption of calcium in the diet. Eat foods rich in calcium such as yogurt, cheese, nuts, fish, milk and grains to help strengthen the bones and overall health of the joints.
- Increase consumption of potassium-rich foods such as bananas, avocados, papaya and watermelon. Avoid eating acidic foods to prevent aggravating the condition.
- Seek the help of a physical therapist to help increase the range of motion of the shoulder as well as facilitates the smooth, pain-free movement of the shoulder. Additionally, the exercises can also promote increased circulation of blood in the area.
- Take the prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation around the nerve