
Overview on left hand numbness

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Numbness is described as loss of sensation or feeling in any part of the body and sometimes, there are changes in the sensation such as pins-and-needle, tingling or a burning sensation. The numbness can be due to damage, compression or irritation on a single branch of nerve, usually in the edge of the body.

Some people have problem at the left hand which becomes numb and this can be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition starts with the numbness of the fingertips and gradually spreads across the whole hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain in the wrist region that will lead to the numbness of the hands.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by pain in the wrist region that will lead to the numbness of the hands.
  • Numbness of the left hand can be caused by a heart attack, imbalances in the musculoskeletal system of the upper back, neck, shoulder and arms that causes the sensations.
  • Shortness of breath, deep pain or pressure sensations that can felt underneath the breast bone.
  • Numbness of the hand can be due to problems in the arm and hand. A good example is when the median nerve found underneath the pronator muscles in the forearm is too tight.
  • It can also be due to engaging in repetitive motion and usually occurs among those who uses the left hand more often. Once this occurs, there is compression of the nerves that will trigger pain.
  • It can also be due to certain conditions such as rheumatism and gout issues in which the person experiences the sensation of hot needles pricking the hands.
  • If numbness spreads to other parts of the body, it can be due to circulatory problems.

If the exact cause could not be determined, it is best to consult a doctor for proper assessment of the condition.

Treatment and home remedies of numbness of the left hand

There are a number of treatment options that can help manage numbness of the hand. If you want to properly carry out these measures, all you have to do is register for first aid training in your area today.

  • Immerse the affected hand in lukewarm water. For best results, you have to mix 1 teaspoon of rock salt into the water since this helps in relieving the numbness of the left hand.
  • Apply cold treatment for numbness of the left hand by immersing the affected hand in a basin of cold water or a basin filled with ice. The cold temperature will help relax the numbing pain.
  • Another way in treating numbness of the left hand is by heating tamarind leaves over a low flame. Once the leaves heat up, wrap the leaves in a handkerchief or a piece of cloth. Place it over the area to relieve the numbness. In some cases, you can use ginger in treating and relieving the numbness of the left hand.


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