A scorpion sting can be quite painful and sometimes dangerous. Generally, small children and old people are more susceptible this condition and result to serious complications.
Symptoms of a scorpion sting
- At first, tingling, burning or numbing sensation of the bitten area
- Severe pain
- Thick tongue
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Problems with vision
- Roving movements of the eyes
- Breathing difficulties
- Vomiting, drooling or foaming at the mouth
Tingling, burning or numbing sensation of the bitten area. - Accelerated or irregular heart rate
- In addition, thrashing or twitching of the muscles and involuntary movements of the neck, head or eye and difficulty walking.
- Severe swelling due to allergic reactions
- Lastly, involuntary urination or excretion
- The sting is a barb or stinger with protein toxin or venom. Generally, the toxin contains mixtures of toxins affecting the nervous system or neurotoxins.
- They sting using the stinger in their tails.
- The scorpions are nocturnal animals, they do not usually sting unless they are provoked or threatened. Furthermore, they control the amount of venom, depending on how threatened they feel.
- Wash the sting area using soap and water. Remove jewelries, it will cause problems with circulations if the tissues starts to swell. In addition, remove clothing around the affected area to clear the wound and lessen the risk of becoming infected.
- Keep the affected area at level with the heart or lower to prevent the fast spreading of the venom. Minimize movements to prevent a fast heart rate.
- Apply a cool compress on the area for at least 10 minutes, remove the compress for 10 minutes and reapply again after 10 minutes to lessen the pain and slow down the spread of the venom in the first 2 hour after the injury.
- Take the prescribed over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin to lessen the pain and the inflammation. Generally, avoid giving aspirin to adolescents and young children to prevent the risk of developing Reye’s syndrome which is a dangerous condition.
- If the person becomes unconscious or having a severe spasms or the heart has stop beating give cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR.
- Throw away piles of lumber or rocks found around the house and avoid storing firewood near the house or inside.
- Prune bushes and overhanging branches of trees near the house.
- When hiking or camping outside, wear long sleeves and pants. Check sleeping bags properly before sleeping.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on a scorpion sting is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the signs and how it is managed by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.