mosquito bites

Mosquito bites on the eyelid

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Mosquitos are notorious insects that are found both indoors and outdoors. Even though they are small in size, they can deliver a small bite that are capable of causing discomfort to the individual due to the severe itchiness and swelling. In addition, mosquitos are also considered carriers of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue. Only a female mosquito bites and sucks blood from both animals and humans while the male mosquito feed on nectar and plant juice. Mosquitos bite during daytime while some bite during night time and usually prefer the exposed areas of the body such as the face, neck, uncovered legs and even the eyelids.

Mosquitos puncture the skin with their needle-like body part or proboscis. During the bite, the mosquito will release saliva and the proteins found in their saliva are responsible for causing the itchiness and swelling at the bite site.

Mosquitos usually bite on the face and limbs as well as the eyelids while and individual is sleeping at night time. The bite is irritating and causes itchiness and swelling on the eyelids and it can affect the surrounding eye and even lead to the development of infection.

How to deal with mosquito bites on the eyelids

The mosquito bite is irritating and causes itchiness and swelling on the eyelids and it can affect the surrounding eye and even lead to the development of infection.
  • Apply a cold compress or a few ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth and place over the affected area for 15 minutes for every hour at least 2-3 times in a day. This will help minimize the itchiness and swelling close to the eye.
  • Apply an aloe vera gel to soothe skin and aids in minimizing the itchiness and swelling caused by mosquito bite. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that help in preventing the development of infection. The aloe vera gel should be chilled in order to provide the best soothing effect.
  • Salt also helps lessen unwanted symptoms caused by mosquito bite. Salt possesses mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare salt water by mixing water with salt and use the solution in washing the eyelid. If the beach is nearby, the individual can swim in the sea water since it possesses natural salt properties.

Additional measures

  • Baking soda is also an effective remedy in reducing the swelling and itchiness caused by mosquito bites. Due to its alkaline properties, it neutralizes the pH of skin and relieves the itchiness. Create a paste by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda and water and apply it over the affected area. Just be careful that it will not enter the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Clean the area after using lukewarm water.
  • Apply toothpaste over the affected area since it helps in minimizing the itchiness and swelling caused by mosquito bites. Take a small amount of toothpaste on the fingertips and dab it over the affected area. Use toothpaste that contains menthol or peppermint for quick healing due to its anti-inflammatory property.
  • Provide the individual with ibuprofen which is an anti-inflammatory medication to help minimize the swelling.
  • The individual should take his/her prescribed antihistamine medications in order to relieve any skin allergic reactions.


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