Burning feet is a sensation that the feet are painful and warm which can be mild or severe. Generally, sometimes, the burning feet can be painful that it disrupts with sleep at night. Burning feet sensation can be accompanied by pins and needles sensation or paresthesia and numbness of the area. In addition, this condition can occur in individuals of all ages.
Oftentimes, burning feet sensation can be due to damage or dysfunction of the nervous system which is caused by some conditions such as diabetes, chronic alcohol abuse, exposure to toxins, deficiency in Vitamin B and even HIV.
Symptoms of burning feet sensation
- Swelling
- Redness
- Dull ache
- Increased sweating
- Peeling skin
- Change in color and texture of the skin
Sometimes, the burning feet can be painful that it disrupts with sleep at night. - Increased sensation of temperature
- Cold water is best for burning feet since it lessens the tingling, swelling of the feet and numbness. Fill a foot tub with cold water and soak the feet for a few minutes. Give the feet a few minutes rest and then soak again. Repeat this process several times every day. Avoid soaking the feet in cold water for a long time since this can worsen the condition.
- Use Epsom salt to provide relief to the feet and lessen the burning sensation. Epsom salt has magnesium sulfate that lessens the pain, inflammation and promotes proper functioning of the nerves. In a foot tub filled with warm water, mix ½ cup Epsom salt and soak the feet in the solution for at least 10-15 minutes. Repeat this process at least once every day for a few days. Avoid using this remedy if suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure or heart diseases.
- Take the prescribed Vitamin B3 supplements known as niacin to strengthen the nerves, increase blood circulation and reduce the breakdown of nerves when under pressure. Increased intake of vitamin B3 relieves the burning feet sensation.
Additional measures
- Massage the feet using oil to relieve pain caused by the burning feet sensation. It also increases the circulation of blood in the area. Warm olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil can be used. Massage the feet in an upward stroke for 10 minutes. Massage the affected area regularly before sleeping at night and early in the morning for proper circulation of blood in the area.
- Perform exercises regularly to increase the circulation of blood in the body and prevent problems with the nervous system. Walk barefoot on soft grass or sand at least for a few minutes to lessen symptoms of burning feet. Perform exercises such as jogging and running regularly to promote proper circulation of blood all over the body.
- Wear insoles, pads or shoe inserts for proper support
- Consume foods rich in fatty acids or take fish oil supplements
- Avoid drinking alcohol
- Elevate the feet while resting.