Treatment for shingles

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Shingles is a viral infection that can cause a painful rash and it develops on any part of the body. It appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around the left or right side of the torso. Shingles is caused a virus known as varicella-zoster which is the one that causes chickenpox. After a person acquires chickenpox, the virus will be inactive in the nerve tissue found near the spinal cord and the brain. Years later, the virus will reactivate as shingles.

The signs and symptoms of shingles affect only a small area of one side of the body which includes the following:

Place a cold compress on the blisters for 20 minutes or wrap a piece of cloth over the blisters and pour ice water on it.
  • A blister that is filled with fluid that ooze out and forms a crust
  • There is burning, pain, numbness or tingling sensations
  • A red rash will develop after pain
  • Itchiness
  • Fever, chills and headaches
  • Achiness and fatigue

Treatment and home remedies

  • Place a cold compress on the blisters for 20 minutes or wrap a piece of cloth over the blisters and pour ice water on it. This can be repeated until pain is minimized. Cold milk compress can also work well for the blisters. If you want to learn more about this condition, read here.
  • Allow the body to rest properly.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen since this can help reduce the inflammation.
  • Apply the prescribed topical anesthetic cream for the blistered skin.
  • Avoid popping the blisters since this will cause scarring and the development of secondary infections.
  • Stay away from people who are at risk such as cancer patients and those who are not yet exposed to chickenpox.
  • Apply an over-the-counter cream which contains capsaicin that originated from hot peppers which can also help in healing the blisters.
  • For the lingering discomfort caused by shingles, try performing self-hypnosis or engaging in some activities that helps in relaxing the body.

Prevention of shingles

There are two vaccines that helps prevent shingles – chickenpox vaccine or varicella and shingles or varicella-zoster vaccine.

The varicella vaccine is a routine immunization for children to prevent chickenpox and it is also for adults who have never acquired the infection. This vaccine can minimize the chances of having complications and reducing the severity of the disease.

The varicella-zoster vaccine is for adult ages 50 and older. This vaccine can minimize the severity of the disease and reducing the risk of acquiring postherpetic neuralgia. This vaccine contains a live virus and should be avoided by people whose immune system is weak.

People affected with shingles can develop infections in the eyes such as conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids and sometimes also affecting the movement of the eyes.

Some dietary changes can be helpful in treating shingles such as consuming bee pollen, kelp and chlorophyll. These can help combat the virus that instigates the condition and make the healing process progress at a faster rate. Other foods that can also help include bananas, garlic, nuts, sweet potatoes and whole grains.

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