Treatment for breast pain

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Breast pain also known as mastalgia is a complaint common among women such as a piercing burning pain or tautness of the breast tissue and there is tenderness, and it can be continuous or happens irregularly.

Breast pain ranges from minor to harsh and attacks just before the monthly period or will continue throughout the menstrual cycle. Breast pain can also occur among postmenopausal women, but it is more common in younger, premenopausal and perimenopausal women.

Symptoms of breast pain

Breast pain is classified as cyclic or noncyclic and each has distinct characteristics. It can happen in just one breast or both and it is only painful in one area or affects all the areas of the breast.

Breast pain
Breast pain is classified as cyclic or noncyclic and each has distinct characteristics. It can happen in just one breast or both and it is only painful in one area or affects all the areas of the breast.

Some signs and symptoms that need medical help can include the following:

  • There is discharge from the nipple
  • A change in size and shape of the breast
  • Changes on the breast skin such as dimpling or puckering as well as crusting
  • A lump or mass is felt in the breast

Causes of breast pains

  • Cyclic breast pain can be caused by hormones and the menstruation cycle. This type of breast pain is minimized or disappears during pregnancy or when the stage of menopause is reached.
  • Noncyclic breast pains can be caused by conditions that can disrupt with the construction of the breast such as a breast cyst, trauma of the breast, before a breast surgery and other factors in connection with the breast. Breast pain can also start outside of the breast such as in the chest wall, joints or heart and muscles, all these radiate to the breast.
  • Fatty acid imbalance within the cells affects the sensitivity of tissues to circulating hormones.
  • Some hormonal medications and infertility treatment as well as oral birth control pills can also cause breast pain. Tenderness of the breast can be caused by the side effects of the estrogen and progesterone hormonal therapy.
  • Breast pain together with neck, shoulder and pack pains can be caused by a large breast.
  • Breast pain after a breast surgery can still linger even after the incisions have already healed.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Wear a sports bra when doing some exercises, especially when the breast are more sensitive
  • Wear a firm support bra that is properly fitted by a professional.
  • Apply hot or cold compresses on the breasts. If you want to learn the benefits of this measure, click here.
  • Perform some relaxation therapy that can help in controlling the high levels of anxiety caused by a severe pain in the breast.
  • Avoiding caffeine in the diet, eat a low-fat diet and carbohydrates
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Some vitamins and dietary supplements can help minimize the breast pain symptoms such as vitamin E since it helps in minimizing breast pain. Evening primrose oil can help change the balance of fatty acids in the cells and reduces breast pain.

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