mosaic warts

Treating mosaic warts on feet

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Mosaic warts are plantar warts that grow in clusters and their appearance is similar to mosaic tiles. They are present on the soles of the feet but once in a while they can develop on the hands and other parts of the body.

Mosaic warts are very painful because they usually occur on the heels and the front part of the sole which compresses while walking. Due to the weight and compression while walking, a mosaic wart tends to grow deep inside the sole.

Causes of mosaic warts on feet

Mosaic warts
Mosaic warts are plantar warts that are crammed together in a small area of the skin, and they look similar to mosaic tiling and common on the sole of one or both feet.

Mosaic warts are caused by viral infections from a strain of human papilloma virus. Human papilloma virus has various strains and mosaic warts are due to HPV1. Other strain of HPV virus causes warts on the anus and genital area. This virus enters the body through the bruises and cuts on the feet and once they are inside the body, they will remain dormant for a while until there is an appropriate setting for them to multiply and form warts. The immune system of the body is low with a virus infection and the HPV1 becomes active which form warts and thrives in wet surfaces for a long time. Mosaic warts are common in people who walk barefoot on surface of tiles of swimming pools and public showers. Cracks and fissures that are present on the soles of feet are susceptible to these infections.

Plantar warts are not hereditary disorders, but they are transmittable. A person with cuts and scrapes in the feet and directly exposed to warts will acquire the infection and later on develop warts.


Mosaic warts are plantar warts that cram together in a small area of the skin, and they look similar to mosaic tiling and common on the sole of one or both feet.

Plantar warts usually occur on weight bearing of the sole such as the heel and balls of the feet. They are deep seated and protrude slightly on the skin. The outer surface of the wart is rough and closely checked, there are small black spots which are tiny blood vessels and pain is triggered when walking.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Clean the affected area with soap and water.
  • Cover the warts with a duct tape for seven days. After seven days, remove the duct tape and immerse the feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes. The water removes the sebum which is a natural oil of the body. Clean and dry the affected area with a towel and use an emery board to rub the affected area and cover again with a duct for another 7 days.
  • Before going to bed, apply cream that contains salicylic acid on mosaic warts. It takes about a week or months to soften the mosaic warts on the feet. If the area becomes very tender, stop applying the cream for 2-3 days.


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