Baker’s cyst

Remedies for Baker’s cyst

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A baker’s cyst is a sac filled with fluid found behind the knee. Generally, it causes pain, tightness and stiffness of the knee that becomes severe with movement of the leg around or performing physical activities.

Accumulation of synovial fluid that functions in lubricating the joint of the knee causes swelling and bulges and forms into a cyst behind the knee. Pain becomes severe when flexing the knee or performing physical activities.

Symptoms of baker’s cyst

Remedies for baker’s cyst
Take plenty of rest especially the affected knee for at least a day or two for fast healing of the area.
  • At first, calf and knee pain
  • Accumulation of fluid around the knee
  • A clicking, buckling or locking sound can be heard in the joint of the knee.
  • Swelling behind the knee or the leg. It feels like a water-filled balloon.
  • Stiffness and incapable of fully flexing the knee
  • Pain worsen when standing for long periods of time


  • Inflammation of the joint of the knee due to various types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis and children with juvenile arthritis.
  • Injury to the knee such as cartilage tear, torn meniscus and rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Take plenty of rest especially the affected knee for at least a day or two for fast healing of the area.
  • Prescribed crutches to support the area lessen weight placed on the area and help with movement without causing pain.
  • Prescribed injection of corticosteroid medications into the affected knee to lessen the inflammation.
  • The doctor drains the fluid from the knee using a needle. This procedure is called needle aspiration.
  • Apply ice on the knee as soon as possible to lessen the swelling and the inflammation around the area and lessen the pain. Put ice in a plastic bag and wrap it in towel before placing to the area for at least 15-20 minutes at a time. Another alternative is using bag of frozen vegetables such as corn or peas is also good for the condition.
  • Compress the area using an elastic bandage and wrapped around the affected knee to lessen the swelling and for stability of the knee. Avoid wrapping it too tight to prevent problems with circulation and worsen the condition.
  • Elevate the affected area above the level of the heart to lessen the swelling and increase circulation of blood in the area. While lying down place couple of pillows under the knee to keep it elevated. If there is difficulty raising the area, keep it parallel to the ground.
  • Over-the-counter pain medications to lessen the inflammation and the pain.
  • Prescribed steroid injection directly into the cyst to lessen the pain, the swelling and improve range of movement of the affected knee.
  • Perform gentle stretching and range-of-motion exercises for the muscles of the knee with the help of the physical therapist to lessen the pain and the symptoms and restore range of movement of the knee.


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