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Nausea is the feeling of uneasiness in your stomach and usually occurs before you throw up. Vomiting is either the controlled or spontaneous emptying of the stomach contents. Nausea can be acute and short-lived or prolonged. Nausea can be a result of a physical or psychological cause. It can either be caused by problems in the brain or organs in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Nausea can also be a symptom of many diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

Nausea can also be caused by the side effects of medication, intense pain, early stages of pregnancy, emotional stress, overeating, morning sickness, motion sickness, a reaction to certain smells or odors, heart attack, viral infection, ingestion of toxins, food intolerance or allergy, alcohol toxicity, ulcers, and disease from the brain or any of the upper gastrointestinal tract organs.

Nausea is commonly accompanied by vomiting later after its felt. In most cases, vomiting is harmless, but it can also be a sign of a serious illness. Vomiting can be a result of a concussion, meningitis, intestinal blockage, appendicitis, and brain tumors.

When to seek medical care

Nausea is commonly accompanied by vomiting later after its felt.
  • There is a presence of blood in the vomit
  • You experience severe headaches or a stiff neck
  • Confusion, diminished level of alertness, lethargy
  • Intense abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid pulse or breathing

Management of vomiting

  • By gradually drinking larger amounts of water to prevent dehydration
  • By avoiding solid foods until the vomiting episode has passed
  • Provide an oral rehydrating solution if vomiting and diarrhea last more than a day
  • Give women who are pregnant some crackers prior to moving out of bed or a protein snack before going to bed.
  • Vomiting that is associated with cancer is usually treated with another type of drug therapy. There are also drugs your doctor can prescribe can be given to control an episode that is linked with pregnancy, motion sickness and some forms of dizziness. You should, however, consult your doctor first before you take any of these drugs.


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