A middle ear infection is a type of infection that causes inflammation and a build-up of fluid in the area behind the eardrum.
Generally, the infections are more common in infants between the age of six (6) to fifteen (15) months old.
Signs and symptoms of a middle ear infection
- At first, ear pain occurs
- Hearing problems
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of balance
- Coughing or a runny nose
The treatment for a middle ear infection tends to vary on numerous factors such as the age of the person, health state, previous medical history, the severity of the infection, and tolerance to antibiotics. - Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- A yellowish, clear, or bloody discharge from the ears
- n addition, restlessness at night or difficulty in sleeping
- Lastly, irritability
The doctor will perform a physical examination. Generally, tour doctor will inspect your outer ear and eardrum using an otoscope to check for the presence of swelling, redness, pus or fluid.
Your doctor may also perform a test called tympanometry, this is used to determine if your middle ear is working properly or not. In this test, a device is placed into your ear canal which changes the pressure inside and makes the eardrum vibrate. In addition, measures of changes in vibration are recorded on a graph and your doctor will interpret the results.
The treatment for a middle ear infection tends to vary on numerous factors such as the age of the person, health state, previous medical history, the severity of the infection, and tolerance to antibiotics.
Complications can also arise from a middle ear infection, some of those complications are:
- Permanent loss of hearing
- Rupturing of the eardrums
- An infection that spreads to the fluid around the brain and the spinal cord
- Lastly, an infection that can spread to the bones of the ear
To reduce the risk of getting a middle ear infection, these common methods of prevention include:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Avoid environments where smoke is plentiful
- Lastly, keep your immunization up-to-date