How to treat Paget’s disease of bone

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Paget’s disease is also known as osteitis deformas which is also a common disorder to next to osteoporosis. It is characterized by severe destruction of bone in an area of the bone which is followed by the formation of new bone. Men and women who are in their 50’s are more susceptible to this condition.

Paget’s disease can cause bone pain and some deformities in the bones and usually occur in the pelvis, skull, legs and spine, and can cause complications like a broken bone, pinched nerve in the spine, and loss of hearing.


Paget's disease
The bone of the spine becomes enlarged and begins putting pressure on nerves that surrounds them. There is pain radiating from one or both legs which is the pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve.

·         Constant and deep-seated pain of the bones and severe pain that occurs at night and it awakens a person who is sound asleep. It usually occurs at the hips, skull, spine and the collar bone.

·         The bone of the spine becomes enlarged and begins putting pressure on nerves that surrounds them. There is pain radiating from one or both legs which is the pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve. There is a tingling sensation in any of the extremities and then there is numbness and loss of usage of the extremities if not treated.

·         Paget’s disease can cause excessive bone growth and it gives additional pressure on the ligaments and joints of the muscles and can result in arthritis with a painful swelling and joint stiffness.

Some viral infections and genetic factors can cause Paget’s disease of the bone. Even the calcium intake of a person and prolonged exposure to industrial toxins can be considered as factors.

Some possible complications that can be caused by Paget’s disease include deformities or fracture of the affected bones, heart failure in severe cases, loosening of the teeth caused by micro fracture of the bone that function in supporting the teeth. There is an increased concentration of calcium in the body and deafness. If you want to learn more about the condition, click here.

Treatment and home remedies

·         Prevent falls since Paget’s disease can cause bone fracture and the affected person should use a cane or a walker.

·         Make the home fall-proof by removing all slippery floorings and use non-skid mats in bathrooms or shower, tucking away all electrical cords and installing handrails on the stairways and grab bars in the bathrooms.

·         Eat foods with adequate levels of calcium and vitamin D in order to facilitate the absorption of calcium.

·         Do exercises every day for maintaining joint mobility and strength of bones, walking, stair climbing, dancing and jogging.
·         Use a hearing aid if the person has loss of hearing or using a “white noise” machine if there is ringing in the ears.


A Paget’s disease of the bones cannot be prevented but complications like osteoarthritis can be minimized by taking medicines, performing daily exercises that does not cause stress to the bones and maintaining a healthy weight.

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