How to treat nail fungus and ingrown nails

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Nail fungus which is also known as onychomycosis is a condition that happens when a microscopic fungus enters the toenails or fingernails. Toenails are more susceptible to fungus infection than the fingernails. This infection is most common in people over the age of 60, diabetics and those with weakened immune system are susceptible to this kind of infection.

Nail fungus happens when fungus enters the nail through a small cut or break in the nails. Poor hygiene is not a cause of fungus infection. Fungus thrives best in warm, wet places like a locker room is good place for fungus to grow. Fungus can be spread from person to person. To prevent one from getting a nail fungus infection, people should avoid walking barefoot in public places, like locker rooms. Keeping the inside part of the shoes dry and changing socks frequently and using shoes that fit properly.

Ingrown toenails develops when the corner side of the nail grows into the flesh of the toe, and usually happens in the big toe, and will result in pain, redness, and swelling, sometime an infection can occur. It is caused by cutting a toenail very short or not straight across, an injury to the toenail and wearing shoes that crowds the toenails. To prevent ingrown toenails, one should wear shoes that fits properly, and keep the toenail at a moderate length and trim the nails straight across.

Ingrown toenails and nail fungus can cause discomfort and make an individual embarrassed in exposing the bare feet to others. If these conditions are left untreated, they can cause serious infections. With patience and appropriate first aid measures, one can be relieved of the unsightly and unhealthy problems that plague your extremities.

Ingrown toenails and nail fungus can cause discomfort and make an individual embarrassed in exposing the bare feet to others.

Treating ingrown toenail

  1. Soak the feet two to three times every day in a steaming hot water and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil will soften the skin and will help loosen the ingrown nail and then dry it with a cotton swab. Apply tea tree oil to the affected nails and areas around the nails. Tea tree oil have antiseptic and antibiotic healing properties.
  2. Lift up gently the ingrown nail and put a small swab of cotton underneath. Leave it for one day, then remove it after one day and replace it with a clean cotton swab. By elevating the nail, it will restrain the nails to grow above, rather than into the skin.
  3. Cut the nail straight across, just leave a bit of the white at the end, and do not cut the nails too far back.
  4. Before putting on the shoes, wrap the affected toe with a bandage, in order to prevent discomfort, and wearing comfortable, ventilated footwear and avoiding tight fitting socks or hosiery.

Nail fungus treatment

  1. First file the affected toenail with a nail file for a better penetration of medication.
  2. Smear the nail and the surrounding area with an antifungal liquid nail medication. Paint the topical solution with the thickness of a nail polish.
  3. Clean the feet every day and dry them thoroughly. After drying, put tea tree oil to the areas that is affected with fungus.
  4. Remain barefoot to keep feet dry and from preventing moisture to cause further fungal growth. If wearing shoes, change socks daily.
  5. Keep the shoes dry by keeping them in a well-ventilated environment, like the front porch or out in the sun.

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