Carpet burns are abrasions on the skin caused by friction against a coarse material or objects. The skin of the person or the skin of another person can be an abrasive surface to result to friction burns.
The most common friction burns with a coarse material includes clothing, carpet or rope. Skin to skin rubbing happens between the thighs and under the armpits. It is also common in clothing such as trousers worn on the knees by playing sports that requires sliding on wooden surfaces.
Symptoms of carpet burns
- The skin becomes chaffed and scraped
- Severe pain
- Mild inflammation and redness of the area
The most common friction burns with a coarse material includes clothing, carpet or rope.
- Run cool water on the surface of the skin for at least 5-10 minutes every one hour to lessen the pain and the redness of the area.
- The hands should be properly washed before treating the affected area to prevent infection and worsen the condition.
- Wash the area using a warm water, washcloth and use antibacterial soap to remove any dirt and debris in the area.
- If there is presence dirt in the abrasions or bleeding, use iodine, hydrogen peroxide or an antiseptic to prevent the wound becoming infected. Soak a cotton ball in iodine, hydrogen peroxide and dab it gently on the burn.
- Apply the prescribed antibacterial cream on the affected area to lower the risk for infection.
- Cover the burn using gauze or an adhesive bandage loosely. Remove the bandage in 24 hours and if it the area starts to form a crust or scabs, uncover the area and expose it to the air. Put a fresh bandage for another 24 hours if the area is still red and raw and crusting has not started.
- Avoid wearing clothing over the burn to prevent irritation on the burn. If there is a need to wear clothes over the burn, cover the area using a gauze or bandage to prevent further damage.
- Keep the affected area dry, moisture is good breeding grounds for bacteria. When the area becomes wet, dry it using a cotton ball.
- If the wound is oozing, avoid wiping it to prevent further damage and irritate the burn. Remove the gauze or bandage and let it dry in the air.
- Use aloe vera on the burn for fast healing of the condition. Aloe can be in the form of spray, liquid, gel, cream and lotion. Another alternative a cutting a small portion of the plant and squeeze the gel inside the plant into the burn is good for the condition. Aloe vera lessens the pain and the inflammation. It promotes growth of healthy granulation tissue in the skin
- Apply honey on the carpet burn to lessen the itchiness and for fast healing of the condition.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on carpet burns is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage this injury by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.