Causes and treatment of glaucoma

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Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by an optic nerve damage which can cause vision loss. Glaucoma damages the vision gradually and loss of vision cannot be noticed until the disease is at an advanced stage. A common type of glaucoma is the primary open-angle glaucoma, the signs and symptoms cannot be noticed except the gradual loss of vision. Early treatment of glaucoma can prevent optic nerve damage and minimize the glaucoma-related loss of vision.

The two common types of glaucoma include primary open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. The symptoms of open-angle glaucoma include a gradual loss of the peripheral vision and usually occur in both eyes and tunnel vision if already in the advanced stages. The symptoms of the acute-angle-closure glaucoma include nausea and vomiting accompanied by a harsh eye pain, blurry vision, red-colored eyes, sudden occurrence of optical disruption usually in minimal lighting and seeing halos around a light.

Glaucoma damages the vision gradually and loss of vision cannot be noticed until the disease is at an advanced stage.

Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by optic nerve damage which can cause vision loss. Glaucoma damages the vision gradually and loss of vision cannot be noticed until the disease is at an advanced stage. Open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma can be called primary or secondary conditions. When the cause is not known, it is called primary and it can be called secondary when the cause is known like an eye injury, certain medications as well as certain conditions of the eye, inflammation, tumors, advanced cataract or diabetes.


When it comes to primary open-angle glaucoma, it is important to note that the drainage angle that is molded by the cornea and iris is open. The drainage channels or the trabecular meshwork found in the angle that is blocked, instigating the fluids found in the eye to drain too slow and this causes the fluid to back up to the eyes and cause an increase in the pressure within the eye.

As for cases of angle-closure, it happens when the iris swells forward causing blockage to the drainage angle that is formed by the cornea and iris. The fluid cannot flow adequately to the exit of the eye and may cause an increase in the eye pressure.

In normal-tension glaucoma, the optic nerve is damaged but the pressure of eye still remains within the normal range.

Infantile glaucoma occurs in the first few days of life in babies and juvenile glaucoma occurs among children ages 4 to 5 and these children will not have symptoms but their optic nerves are damaged.

In pigmentary glaucoma, the pigment granules found in the iris will build up in the drainage channels also known as trabecular meshwork which will cause slowing down or block the fluids that goes out of the eyes.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Perform regular exercise since it can help reduce the eye pressure in open-angle glaucoma.
  • Eat a healthy diet that helps in maintaining the health and take vitamin supplements to help improve the vision.
  • Minimize drinking of caffeine since it may increase the pressure in the eye. Drink moderate amounts of liquids during the day.

If you want to learn more about this condition, click here.

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