Basic First Aid in Heavy Duty Industries

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Because of the nature of heavy industries such as the logging and shipment industry which usually involves the use of heavy tree-cutting equipment and inhalation of dust particles, it does not really come as a surprise that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has made it mandatory for employers to follow certain rules or risk being closed. These rules include basic first aid regulations which employers should follow at all times to avoid getting fined and eventually, shut down for good. Here are some of the first aid rules and regulations that employers and supervisors in these industries should remember.

First aid training

Basic First Aid in Nanaimo
Basic First Aid in Nanaimo

Aside from the employees, OSHA requires supervisors, even those who are not directly working in the field, to attend first aid courses and receive certification. This ensures that even supervisors are aware of how to deal with medical emergencies which are quite common in this industry. Re-certification is also necessary for all employees and supervisors regardless of the frequency that they use their first aid knowledge. Employers should ensure that the training center where employees and supervisors are going to receive their training are well-equipped and that it complies with the minimum requirements of OSHA when it comes to the course content.

These minimum requirements include having an in-depth discussion on some medical emergencies which may not be common in these industries. These medical emergencies include hypothermia, hyperthermia, psychosis and drug overdose. Receiving basic first aid training on how handle these medical emergencies ensure that employees remain calm and collected even if one of their colleagues are suffering from medical emergencies that are not really common in the workplace. It also ensures that even if their workplace is not really accessible to an EMT or a healthcare provider, they can perform life-saving techniques.

First Aid Kits

It is up to the supervisors and employers to make sure that the contents of the first aid kits are up to par with the OSHA standards. They should delegate a person who would be responsible for checking the expiration dates of the contents. It is also up to them o find a supplier that is accredited by OSHA. The exact contents should also be compliant with the list that OSHA has especially mandated for a workplace environment in an industry where accidents and other medical emergencies are most likely to happen. This is why it is a good idea for business owners and supervisors to find a training center which offers high-quality basic first aid training and those who are aware of the rules and regulations.

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