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Animal Bites First Aid

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Injuries resulting from animal or human bites can cause lacerations, punctures or avulsions. First aid is the same with open wounds but measures should be taken to prevent possible infection, particularly rabies.

Human bites that cause skin puncture can become seriously infected since there is a host of bacteria in the mouth. Make sure to cleanse the wound with soap and water. Dry and cover with clean dressing, and seek medical attention right away. While human bite injuries are rather uncommon, individuals who have been bitten should be given medical attention.

Animal bites may result in deep, open wounds. They can either be caused by domesticated or wild animals. Animal bites are frequently caused by dogs and cats. The main concern with animal bites is the risk for rabies.

Rabies is a viral infection that is often transmitted by infected animals such as dogs and cats. This infection affects the nervous system and leads to acute symptoms that are often life-threatening. Rabies virus has the ability to divide rapidly and thereby cause widespread infection. Once rabies virus has infected an individual, there can be no turning back. As of date, there is no known cure for rabies in human beings. It is important for a person who has been bitten by an animal to receive anti-rabies vaccination immediately.

A bite on the neck or face requires immediate medical attention, because of its proximity to the brain. The animal should be placed under observation for at least 10 days. Do not kill the animal unless it is violent and doing so is necessary.

Aside from tetanus, there is also the risk of tetanus infection in animal bite. Animal Bites First AidAnimal bites produce punctures thus there is a limited bleeding that further increase the chances of tetanus. Usually, individuals who sustained animal bite injuries are given vaccination for both tetanus and rabies virus. Part of the first aid is taking the victim to the nearest medical facility or the doctor’s clinic for vaccination.

First aid for animal bites

Basically, first aid measures for an animal bite are similar to that of other open wounds. However, in the case of animal bites, extra precautions are taken. The victim should be given vaccinations the soonest possible time.

Wash the wound under running water with soap and water. Continue flushing the bitten area. Apply dressing to keep the wound clean. Usually, animal bite wounds do not require suturing. Avoid movement of the injured part until the victim receives medical attention. Bring the victim to the nearest health facility for advanced medical care.

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