How to properly manage TMJ disorders

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A temporomandibular joint or TMJ is similar to a sliding hinge that functions as a connection between the jaw bones to the skull. It can cause pain in the jaw joint and in the muscles that function in controlling the jaw movement. Take note that the pain can be caused by conditions such as arthritis or a jaw injury. An individual suffering from jaw pain tends to clench or grind their teeth.

Symptoms of TMJ disorders

  • An aching pain in and around the areas close to the ears
  • Tenderness and pain in the jaw
  • An aching facial pain
  • The joints are locked along with difficulty in opening and closing the mouth
  • Difficulty and discomfort while chewing
  • There is a clicking or grating sound when opening the mouth or while chewing.
TMJ disorder
An aching pain in and around the areas close to the ears


  • The joint is damaged due to a direct blow or other forms of impact
  • The cartilage of the joint is damaged by arthritis
  • The disk is not in its proper alignment

Women in ages 20 to 40 years old are more susceptible to this disorder but it can happen at any age.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Take an-over-the-counter pain reliever medication. You can learn more about pain management if you will register for first aid training today.
  • The individual suffering from TMJ disorder can wear bite guards or oral splints which is a soft device inserted over the teeth. It will prevent the person from gritting the teeth.
  • Avoiding overuse of the jaw muscles by eating soft foods, cutting food into small pieces as well as avoid eating sticky or chewy foods and chewing gum.
  • Apply a warm, moist heat or cold compress at the side of the face to help minimize the pain.
  • Perform some stretching exercises for the shoulders and neck since it helps minimize the tension in the upper body.
  • Good posture can help the jaw sit properly.
  • Avoid spending hours over the computer since it can cause stiffness of the neck and can worsen the TMJ disorder.
  • Provide the individual with a muscle relaxant if the jaw pain is severe.

Beneficial vitamins for TMJ disorder


Supplements of vitamin B-complex can help in minimizing stress in order to treat the causes of some TMJ disorders. B-complex vitamins are helpful in maintaining healthy nerves and reducing stress that causes grinding of teeth and TMJ disorders. At least 100 mg of B-vitamins on a daily basis can help in relieving stress.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an oxidant that helps the body fight stress and these vitamins aids in the healing and repair of the connective tissues that will be damaged if the person suffers from TMJ disorders. It also supports the muscles that are found around the TMJ joints. Take 4,000 mg of Vitamin C every day for effective treatment of TMJ disorders.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E functions in lubricating the joints, helps in repairing damaged tissues and relieving of the symptoms of TMJ disorders. Vitamin E helps in the repair of the blood vessels that surround the TMJ joints that were damaged due to the excessive grinding and overuse. Take 1,200 mg of Vitamin E every day to help with the improvement of TMJ disorders.

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