Underarm yeast infection

Underarm yeast infection

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An underarm yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It causes severe itchiness, redness and burning sensation. Yeast infection can happen in any part of the body and usually in the genitalia of women, but it can also happen in men. Women and men can be affected by the infection in the skin, genitalia, mouth and the throat. Underarm yeast infection can be treated by application of antifungal cream and powder.

There are only small amounts of bacteria and fungus that are present in the human body and they do not cause harm and there are good bacteria that counteracts with them. In some circumstances, this fungus grows fast in hot and humid climates especially if they are present on the skin, during summer and rainy climates.

Wearing tight fitting clothes and poor hygiene is very advantageous for the fungus to grow. They grow fast between the folds of underarm skin along with the perspiration and moisture that remains in the body for a long time. It becomes a natural food for fungus to grow. Sometimes, they can cause problems under the breast of females. Sharing of personal belongings of an infected person such as clothes and shaving brush can spread the infection

Underarm yeast infection
An underarm yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

Symptoms of underarms yeast infection

  • There is a severe itching in the underarm and usually affecting both the armpits.
  • Soreness and redness in the underarms
  • With a slightest friction caused by clothes, it produces a burning sensation.
  • There is an unpleasant odor coming from the underarm area.
  • Sometimes, in severe cases, the area is moist due to the discharge from the affected area.
  • A red rash covers the entire area of the armpit.
  • Sometimes, the rash can spread to the surrounding area, usually the skin under the breast in women.

Treatment and home remedies

  • During warm and summer season, take showers frequently.
  • Always wear loose fitting clothes in order to allow air movement especially clothes that expose the armpit to sunlight.
  • Avoid spraying talcum powder on the affected area since some powder contains starch which provides a good place for fungus growth.
  • Maintain the normal sugar level if the individual has diabetes.
  • Eat garlic since it has mild antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Using vinegar is effective in killing the yeast. Prepare the solution by mixing a teaspoon of vinegar to a bowl of water and then use it in rinsing the affected area.
  • Eat yogurt regularly since it helps in balancing good bacteria.
  • Keep the underarms dry and clean. Avoid using perfumes and deodorants, if possible.
  • Using tea tree oil is another good remedy because of its antifungal activity. All you have to do is add a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water and rinse the affected area using this solution before taking a bath.
  • People with recurrent yeast infection in the underarm should avoid eating foods such as bread, doughnut, cheese, pickles, mushrooms and beverages including beer, wine and fruit juices.
  • Boost the immune system by exercising on a regular basis, eating properly and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages.





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