Treating bursitis of the elbow

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The bursa is a sac that is filled with fluid found inside the elbow that functions as cushion between the bone and skin and when the bursa is inflamed and filled with fluid caused by trauma or irritation, it is called bursitis of the elbow. It is caused by direct trauma, prolonged pressure to the tip of the elbow, rheumatoid arthritis or gout and infections. Some symptoms of bursitis like sensitivity and pain in or near the elbow joints, there is difficulty in moving the elbow, affected areas becomes red and there is burning sensation in the joints and skin.


Trauma of the elbow is the main cause of elbow bursitis which is a result of a fall or from sports injury. Bursitis of the elbow can also be caused by certain conditions such as arthritis, position that uses the elbow for leaning frequently, overexertion of the elbows such as lifting weights and an infection.

Bursitis of the elbow
Some symptoms of bursitis like sensitivity and pain in or near the elbow joints, there is difficulty in moving the elbow, affected areas becomes red and there is burning sensation in the joints and skin.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Rest the elbows to reduce the swelling to promote the healing faster, when using the elbows for activities that cause increase in pain and inflammation.
  • Apply ice packs every hour for 15 to 20 minutes in order to alleviate inflammations and pains.
  • Use a compression bandage in wrapping the elbow, it should be elastic and not too tight in supporting the elbow and not restricting the circulation since it also helps in preventing swelling.
  • Elevate the elbow above the level of the heart.
  • Take an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen which helps in minimizing the swelling caused by bursitis.
  • Ask medical help to aspirate the bursa in the elbow which is done by using a syringe to drain all the fluid in the elbow and the fluid will be examined if there is an infection. If you want to learn about this condition, click here.
  • Have the elbow injected with cortisone to control the inflammation.
  • Rehabilitate the elbow by physical therapy. It is important to strengthen and exercise the arms using the proper techniques that will prevent the development of bursitis in the future.

Some vitamins that can help relieve the symptoms and pain in the elbow include Vitamin B since it helps in repairing and preventing cell damage. Vitamin B6 helps reduces the swelling of the tissues. Some diets that is rich in B complex such as bananas, broccoli and spinach. Injections from Vitamin B12 can also provide relief to elbow pain.

Vitamin C is a powerful oxidant and helps keep the bursa from inflaming as well as weak and is prone to infections. Foods rich in vitamin C are strawberries, kiwi fruit, oranges, papaya, cantaloupe and Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E is an oxidant and prevents cell damage. Foods that are rich in Vitamin E include spinach, nuts, tomatoes and avocados.

There are some foods that can also minimize inflammation such as pineapples, which is a good source of bromelain which is an enzyme while papaya is a good source of papain as well as omega 3-fatty acids such as flaxseed and fish.

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