Causes and treatment of dry skin

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Dry skin is not a serious problem but it can be uncomfortable and not good to look at as well as creating fine lines and wrinkles. Serious dry skin conditions are inherited group of diseases called ichthyosis. A hot or cold weather condition, low humidity and soaking in hot water are factors that can cause dry skin. Chronic and severe dry skin problems may need medical advice.

Symptoms of dry skin

A dry skin problem is temporary but it can be a lifelong disease. The skin in the arms and legs are the driest part and this varies from person to person and also dry skin problems will depend on the age, health, where the person lives, time the person spent outdoors and what caused the problem. Here are some possible signs and symptoms:

Dry skin
The skin in the arms and legs are the driest part and this varies from person to person and also dry skin problems will depend on the age, health, where the person lives, time the person spent outdoors and what caused the problem.

·         Itching or pruritus

·         There is a severe flaking, scaling or peeling and presence of fine lines or cracks

·         There is redness of the skin

·         The skin feels and appears rough along with deep cracks that have the potential to bleed.

·         A gray, ash-like skin that occurs in people with dark skin

·         There is a feeling of tightness after bathing or swimming and showering.

Causes of dry skin

·         The skin is driest during winter seasons when the temperature levels are in the highest but the reverse like living in desert regions where the temperatures can soar and the levels of humidity remains low.

·         Taking long hot showers can cause drying of the skin and swimming in chlorinated pools.

·         A central heating, space heaters, stoves that burn wood, and fireplaces can also cause dry skin.

·         Using harsh soaps and detergents that strips moisture from the skin and also some deodorant and antibacterial soaps can also cause dryness of the skin. Some shampoos can also cause dryness of the scalp.

·         Exposure too much to the sun dries the skin and the ultraviolet radiation will penetrate beyond the top layer of the skin and will cause deep wrinkles and loose, sagging skin.

·         People with skin conditions like atopic dermatitis or eczema and a skin disorder with rapid build-up of rough, dead and dry skin cells and forms thick scales also known as psoriasis can also cause dry skin.

Dry skin disorders that are not treated can lead to complications such as the following:

·         Excessive dryness can cause atopic dermatitis which is also known as eczema.

·         Severe dryness of the skin can crack and bacteria can enter and will cause the development of an infection.

Treatment and home remedies

·         Moisturize the skin several times a day using thick moisturizers like Eucerin and Cetaphil. If skin is extremely dry, you have to apply oil such as baby oil while the skin is still moist and also petroleum jelly can also be used.

·         Limit the bath or shower to five and ten minutes and do not use hot water, use warm water instead. Avoid using harsh, soaps that cause the dryness of the skin.

·         Apply moisturizer on the skin after bathing

·         Install a portable humidifier inside the room to add moisture to the air around the room.

·         Wear clothes that are made out of cotton

·         Appling cold compress if there is itching in the area. You can learn more about the effectiveness of cold compresses by enrolling in a first aid class today.

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