Achilles tendon bone spur

Ways of treating Achilles tendon bone spur

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An Achilles bone spur is also called calcaneal bone spur. It forms at the insertion point of the Achilles tendon and at the back of the heel. This extra growth of bone affects the bursa and the surrounding tissue which causes irritation and inflammation of the area and the Achilles tendon and heel bone. There is plenty of bursa found behind the heel bone that protects the tendon from the bone of the heel. Bursa is sacs filled with fluid that are lined with soft tissues. This condition causes severe pain and needs to be treated immediately.

Bone spurs or osteophytes are excess growth of bone that grows on the normal bone. The growths are usually sharp or jagged and typically smooth. But even they are even; they can still damage the other adjacent bones or soft tissues.

Pain is like a pin sticking on the bottom of the foot when standing up especially in the morning.

Causes of Achilles tendon bone spur

  • Jogging, running or jumping especially on hard surfaces.
  • Abnormal or lopsided way of walking which gives excessive stress on the bone of the heel, nerves and the ligaments.
  • Excess weight and obesity


  • Severe heel pain due to walking or jogging
  • Formation of callus which result to swelling and redness of the foot and severe pain when performing exercises.
  • Severe and stabbing pain when using the foot after prolonged periods of resting.
  • Pain is like a pin sticking on the bottom of the foot when standing up especially in the morning.
  • Pain becomes severe when standing up after a prolonged period of sitting.


  • Get plenty of rest at least for a week for fast healing of the condition. Perform mild exercises such riding a bike or swimming until the condition totally heals.
  • Apply ice pack on the affected heel for at least 10-15 minutes to lessen the pain and the inflammation two times every day. The coldness will numb the affected area and lessen the swelling. Avoid ice directly on the skin. Wrap ice using a towel or a cloth before placing to the area to prevent ice burn and worsen the condition. Another alternative is rolling the foot over an ice or bottle is also good for the condition.
  • Provide the suggested over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lessen the inflammation and the pain.
  • Wear the prescribed night splints to prevent unnecessary movement of the affected area while sleeping. Use an L-shaped fiberglass splint and then wrap it using a bandage to keep it in place while sleeping.
  • Cryoultrasound which is an electro medical device that uses the combination two therapeutic techniques such as cryotherapy and ultrasound therapy. It makes healing process fast by interrupting the spasms and the pain. This causes an increase in the blood flow in the area and metabolism of cell. It also stimulates elimination of toxins and for fast healing of the condition.
  • Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises to prevent the return of bone spurs.

FACT CHECK–conditions/achilles-tendinitis/

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