Running on a treadmill is an impact sport that can cause knee pain. The knee pain is caused by lack of spinal rotation during striding, over pronation and incline running. Generally, treadmill maintains a steady speed which makes it difficult for the body to adjust to its speed as needed. The treadmill forces the runner to go too fast or slow and will result to stress and cause inflammation and irritation of the ligaments, tendons and other tissues that are attached to the joint.
Causes of knee pain
- The kneecap does not keep a smooth course on its track
- Using improper footwear. People with flat-feet or high arches tend to under-pronate or over-pronate which requires them to wear comfortable shoes.
- Tightness of the muscle
Redness and warmth when the area is touched.
- Redness and warmth when touching the area
- Swelling and stiffness
- Inability to fully straighten the knee
- Popping or crunching noises can be heard
- Take plenty of rest especially the affected knee at least a day or two for fast healing. Avoid performing weight bearing activities.
- Take the prescribed over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen to lessen the pain and discomfort. Another option is applying creams that contains numbing properties such as lidocaine or capsaicin.
- Apply an ice pack on the affected knee for at least 15-20 minutes at 3-4 times every day to lessen the pain and inflammation. If an ice pack is not available, use a bag of frozen vegetables.
- Apply a compression bandage that is lightweight, breathable and self-adhesive. Wrap the area to support the affected knee. Avoid wrapping it too tight which leads to disruption in the circulation.
- Elevate the affected knee above the level of the heart to lessen the swelling. Sit in a recliner and raise the knee on a couple of pillows. When sleeping, place 2 pillows under the knee.
- Warm up properly before running on a treadmill. Stretch the legs to loosen the joints to lessen the stress placed on the knees.
- Avoid using worn out and ill-fitting shoes. Wear shoes that have proper arch support for the foot that reduces the impact placed on the joints when running on a treadmill.
- Maintain a healthy running form with good posture to prevent misalignment of the joints and strain on the knees, hip and back.
More Information
The details posted on this page on knee pain is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage knee conditions including pain after using a treadmill, enroll in a first aid course with one of our training providers.