A buttock contusion is bleeding in the muscle due to direct impact to the area caused by falling or being struck in the area by a rounded object such as a hard ball. Breaking of the small blood vessels in the buttocks results to bleeding under the skin of the buttock area.
Buttock contusion is common in sports such as high jumping, baseball, ice skating, gymnastics, hockey, pole vaulting and football. Elderly people taking anticoagulants are susceptible to this injury.
Stages of bruising
- Blood appears under the skin and makes the area appear reddish in color
- The bruise turns dark blue-purple due to hemoglobin
- The bruise changes color where it becomes yellowish or greenish.
- As the bruise heals, the color becomes lighter, turning to yellow, brown or light brown and eventually disappears.
Apply an ice pack on the affected area for at least 10-15 minutes to lessen the swelling, pain and bleeding.
Causes and risk factors for buttock contusion
- Buttock injury
- Spinal fracture
- Slipping on ice
- Bleeding disorders
- Poor nutrition
- Blunt trauma
- Coagulopathy
- Mongolian spot
- Child abuse
- Pain in the buttocks
- Bruising
- Tenderness when sitting down or when touched
- A hard lump beneath the skin and discoloration of the skin from red to blue, black to green and yellow or a hematoma.
- Pain when moving the thigh against resistance.
- Stiffness of the area while moving the thigh forward due to stretching of the gluteus muscles.
- Swelling of the affected area
- Take plenty of rest. Wear firm-fitting pants such as spandex for support of the affected area.
- Apply an ice pack on the affected area for at least 10-15 minutes to lessen the swelling, pain and bleeding.
- Wrap a pressure bandage on the affected area such as elastic bandage around the bruised area for at least 1-2 hours only. It lessens the amount of blood and fluid leakage. Avoid wrapping the bandage too tight to prevent problems with circulation
- If there is swelling, elevate the affected area above the level of the heart.
- Take over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, naproxen and ibuprofen to lessen the pain and swelling.
- Apply a heating pad on the affected area.
- Perform sports massage to relax the muscles and eliminate waste products. Massage the affected area during the first 72 hours of injury for proper flow of blood in the area.
- Once pain is minimized, perform stretching and strengthening exercises with the help of the physical therapist to improve and restore full function of the gluteus muscles.
- Women are prone to a buttock contusion but both male and females can be affected by this injury as they age due to thinning of the skin and weakened capillaries.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on buttock contusion is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage internal injuries by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.