Sore neck muscles can be caused by sports injuries, accidents and poor posture. Some people experiences a sore neck for only a few hours but others can have this condition for days.
Treatment for sore neck muscles
- Perform some stretching exercises to loosen the tension in the muscles and increase flexibility. Perform stretching exercises especially in the morning before starting any activity, but it can be performed anytime of the day. Perform exercises by turning the head slowly from side to side, up and down and from ear to ear for at least 5-10 seconds with each exercise.
- Perform exercises for the muscles by slowly rotating the neck in a circular motion to stretch out the tension in the muscle. Move the neck slowly back and forth and stop when pain is felt. Move the neck from side to side and stop when pain occurs.
- Take an over-the-counter pain medication.
Use an ice pack or frozen vegetable wrapped in a towel on the affected region to numb the area. - Take a lukewarm or hot shower over the neck for at least 4-5 minutes. Try to make the neck as straight as possible as the hot water runs over it.
- Use an ice pack or frozen vegetable wrapped in a towel on the affected region to numb the area.
- Apply a heating pad for a few minutes to increase flow of blood in the area.
Additional measures
- Use hydrotherapy or water therapy which provides a different kind of massage. Run warm water over the affected neck for at least 3-4 minutes and turn the setting of the shower to cold and run it over the neck for 30 seconds up to a minute. Repeat this procedure several times as needed.
- Take a warm bath and mix in Epsom salt. Salt baths increases circulation of blood in the area, relieve tension of the muscles and reduces stress. Epsom salts has magnesium and sulfate that are helpful with various health conditions and also relaxes the mind. Magnesium regulates the activities of the enzymes and serotonin levels in the brain.
- Apply a balm to the sore neck muscles.
- Wear a neck brace if neck is unstable and if there is a severe pain. Another option is rolling up a bath towel and wrap it around the neck so that the base of the skull is resting on top of the towel and sit in comfortable position.
- Keep the windows closed when sleeping at night and use a fan instead of opening the windows.
- Avoid sleeping with plenty of pillows in bed.
- If the individual experiences neck pain while gardening, performing a new exercise, packing things and moving, massage the neck and take a warm bath before going to bed at night.