Choking is obstruction of the upper airway due to food or other objects which stops an individual from breathing normally. Choking causes a simple coughing fit while a complete blockage of the airway can result to death.
Causes of choking in adults
- Choking in adults can be caused by incorrect chewing
- Talking or laughing while eating that can cause a piece of food to pass through the wrong pipe.
- The affected person has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs
- Suffering from an underlying condition such as Parkinson’s disease.
- Advancing age
- Poor fitting dentures
Give back blows on the affected person.
- Hand signals and panic usually pointing to the throat
- Coughing and gagging
- Wheezing sound
- Passing out
- Incapable of talking
- Grabbing the throat with one or both hands
- A bluish-tinge on the skin can be seen around the lips, face and fingernail beds.
- If the person is conscious but cannot breathe or talk, remove any obstruction from the mouth.
- Give back blows on the affected person. Stand slightly behind the person. Support the chest with one hand and let the person lean forward. Give 5 blows amid the shoulder blades using the heel of the hand. Rest after every blow and check if blockage has started to clear.
- If the person is still choking, perform abdominal thrusts or the Heimlich maneuver. Stand at the back of the person and wrap the arms around the waist and bend them forward. Put the clenched fist directly above the navel or the belly. Grab the fist using the other hand and rapidly shove both hands inward and upward.
- Continue performing 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts until the foreign object comes out of the mouth and the affected person starts to breathe or cough.
- If the object can be seen inside the mouth, take it out. Avoid finger sweeping the inside part of the mouth unless the object can be seen.
- If the affected person is obese or pregnant, perform high abdominal thrusts. Stand at the back of the affected person, wrap arms around the body and place hands at bottom of the breast bone and quickly pull the body inward and upward. Continue with the procedure until the object comes out of the mouth.
- If the affected person is unconscious, lay the person on his/her back on the floor. If the blockage can be seen at the back of the throat or high in the throat, use the finger to remove the blockage. Be careful not to push the food or object deep into the airway which usually occur in young children.
- Eat small bites and chew food properly
- Avoid drinking alcohol to prevent the risk of choking
Quick Note / Disclaimer
The material posted on this page on choking is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage an individual who is choking, register for a first aid and CPR course with one of our training providers.