hand bone spurs

Measures to manage hand bone spurs

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Bone spurs are small projections on the edges of bones which are also called osteophytes. The spurs usually form near the joints, ligaments and tendons. The hands are considered as a common site for bone spurs to develop.

Bone spurs in the hands appear in the form of lumps found under the skin. These bone spurs cause stiffness, swelling, pain and reduced range of motion of the affected area. People suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis and tendinitis are susceptible to develop bone spurs.

Symptoms of bone spurs in the hand

Bone spurs
Bone spurs in the hands appear in the form of lumps found under the skin. These bone spurs cause stiffness, swelling, pain and reduced range of motion of the affected area.
  • The affected area becomes tender to the touch and becomes numb
  • The hand is stiff with limited range of motion
  • Formation of osteophytes in the fingers makes the hand appear disfigured and out of shape


  • Apply a cold compress on the affected area to lessen the pain, swelling or inflammation as well as relaxing the muscles. Wrap ice cubes in a towel and then press on the affected hand for at least 10 minutes. Apply an ice pack on the area if there is pain. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin to prevent frostbite.
  • Take a hot water bath to minimize the pain and stiffness of the affected area.
  • Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and lessens the swelling and pain. It increases the blood circulation in the area. Consume ginger tea regularly at least 3 times every day. Another option is massaging the area using ginger oil for a few minutes. Take the prescribed ginger tablet at least 3 times every day to lessen the pain.
  • Take an Epsom salt bath. Epsom salt has magnesium sulfate in the form of crystals and effective in minimizing inflammation, pain and swelling. In a bathtub filled with warm water, mix 2 cups of Epsom salts until fully dissolved. Soak the body in the solution for at least 30 minutes. Repeat this process at least once for up to 3 days. If an individual has diabetes and suffering from kidney problems, this treatment should be avoided.
  • In a glass of water, mix apple cider vinegar and consume at least 2 times every day to lessen the pain. Another alternative is to soak a small face cloth on apple cider vinegar and apply on the affected hand for at least a couple of hours.
  • Perform mild exercises to lessen the pain due to bone spurs. Perform gentle stretching for at least 30 minutes every morning at 5 times every week.
  • Consume foods rich in Vitamin D, E, K, calcium and magnesium to maintain the strength of the bone and prevent abnormal growth.
  • Massage the affected area in the hand using warm coconut oil or olive oil to repair the damaged tissue.





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