Cavities are damaged areas in the hard surface of the teeth the will eventually turn into tiny openings or holes. Cavities which are also known as tooth decay or caries are caused by certain factors such as bacteria found in the mouth, eating certain foods, sipping on sugary drinks and poor mouth hygiene. If you want to manage the symptoms of tooth decay, click here.
Cavities and tooth decay are common in children, teenagers and older adults, but anyone who has teeth can have cavities, including infants. Cavities that are not treated can get larger and affect the deeper layers of the teeth and cause a severe toothache, infection and even loss of teeth.
Symptoms of tooth decay and cavities
- Tooth sensitivity and toothaches.
- Visible holes or pits that are found in the teeth.
- Mild to sharp pain especially when eating something sweet and drinking hot or cold liquids.
- Brown, black or white stains can be found on the surface of a tooth and there is pain when biting down.
- If the individual experiences toothaches and pain in the mouth, visit a dentist immediately.
Causes of tooth decay and cavities
The mouth contains many types of bacteria that live on food and drinks that contain sugar. When these sugars are not cleaned off the teeth, the bacteria will start to feed on them and generate acid. The bacteria will form a bacterial plaque which is a gluey covering that coats the teeth, and it is slightly rough and visible on the back of a teeth close to the gums and if plaque is not removed, it becomes hard and an ideal place for bacteria to hide.
The acid found in the plaque will remove the minerals in the outer enamel of the tooth and will cause tiny openings or holes in the enamel which is the first stage. When areas of the enamel are worn out, the bacteria and acid can reach the dentin which is the next layer of the teeth. Dentin is softer than enamel and less resistant to acid.
When the bacteria and acid moves to the inner part of the tooth which is the pulp that contains the nerves and blood vessels, there is toothache, sensitivity, pain when biting and other symptoms such as tooth abscess which is a pocket of pus indicating an infection due bacteria.
Treatment and home remedies
- Make a mouthwash by boiling water and vodka and add 12 drops of peppermint essential oil and five drops of myrrh essential oils, then let it cool. The vodka will kill all the germs and bacteria that can cause cavity while myrrh provides protection to the gums.
- Chew a gum that contains xylitol which is a natural sweetener that does not affect the insulin levels in diabetics. Xylitol functions in repairing cavities and prevention of tooth decay.
- Eat unsweetened yogurt every day. Yogurt has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can kill yeast, germs and bacteria that can cause cavities and it is also rich in calcium needed for strong teeth and gums.
- Avoid eating sugary foods especially suckers and hard candies.
- Drink at least a glass of green tea every day in order to prevent cavities.