How to treat a flash burn with raw potatoes

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Sunburn in the eye is called as a flash burn. It is also referred to as welder’s flash or arc eye. Sunburn in the eye occurs when your eyes are exposed to a bright ultraviolet light source like a welding torch, looking directly at the sunlight, looking at the sun’s reflection in the water or snow, sun lamp and other halogen lamps.

These burns can cause infection that leads to the loss of vision. A flash burn involves the inflammation of the cornea which is the tissue that covers the front part of the eye. It can affect both your eyes and if not treated with first aid care and appropriate treatment options, can lead to vision loss.

Symptoms of a flash burn

• Mild to severe pain that usually starts a few hours after the incident occurred
• Bloodshot eyes which is referred to as “red eyes”
• Sensitivity to light
• Watery eyes
• Blurry vision
• A feeling that there is an object present in the eyes

Flash burn
Flash burn occurs when your eyes are exposed to a bright ultraviolet light source like a welding torch, looking directly at the sunlight, looking at the sun’s reflection in the water or snow, sun lamp and other halogen lamps.

Treatment for flash burn or welder’s arc

When treating flash burn or welder’s arc, raw potato is a recommended choice. Raw potato possesses healing properties that can relieve pains and reduce the swelling caused by the burn. First, you need a small potato, water and a potato peeler.

Steps to follow

1. Wash the potato in cold water and peel the skin of the potato using a potato peeler. Cut the potato in two parts and grate the other half of the potato.
2. Place a small amount of water on a washcloth or just dampen it and wring out the excess moisture. Place the damp cloth flat on a table.
3. Place a tablespoon of raw potatoes in the middle of the washcloth and another spoonful of potatoes next to it. Fold the washcloth to close it up.
4. Place the folded washcloth in the refrigerator and chill for about 15 minutes. Remove it after 15 minutes.
5. Instruct the individual to lie down on a coach or bed and close his/her eyes. Place the washcloth over the face by positioning it on both eyes.

The individual should stay in lying position for 15 minutes so that the eyes can absorb the nutrients from the potatoes. Apply the washcloth on the eyes two times a day, with a few hours apart.

Tips and precautionary measures

Flash burns are vulnerable to infections. This is why it is important to always wash your hands before touching the eyes since they might get infected again if your hand is dirty. You can also provide an antiseptic eye drop that can help the healing process if there is infection.

Treat your eyes with flash burn by encouraging the individual to wear sunglasses even inside the house so that eyes will not be exposed to the lights.

The individual must also avoid watching television which will cause more strain on your eyes particularly the movement of pictures and light fluctuations in the television.

8 thoughts on “How to treat a flash burn with raw potatoes”

    1. No, it won’t. it’s a treatment myself and colleges have had to do when paired up to weld inside aluminum tanks together on a rush order.

    2. Welders have been doing this for well over a century and it’s worked great. I’ve known personally, hundreds of welders that use it with no infections.

  1. That 1st Charles is wrong! It will help, the raw potato. But, if ur eyes don’t get better see an eye doctor or ur nearest hospital. And be sure to peel and wash the potatoes. Putting a dirty potato on ur eyes isn’t good at all.

  2. A red potatoe works better than a white, put it in the freezer to chill it. Cut it in half, lay down and place on your eyes. It works great! I’ve done it 3 times after getting reflected weld flash welding aluminum inside a tank with someone else. Its been years ago I did this, I think it took maybe a half hour to feel it working.

  3. I was married to a certified welder. That sometimes come home from work with welding burns to eyes. Thinly sliced potatoes. placed over the eyes lids while resting. WORKS! IT is amazing how fast the pain will leave your eyes.

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