Fact Checked
What are Gastrointestinal Issues?
- Take places in the stomach or the oesophagus
- Usually takes place when there is a disruption of the gastric mucosa which then leads to acid excretion
- The acids then come into contact with the nerve endings in the stomach
- This results in pain and uneasiness within the oesophagus.
Types Of Gastric Problems
- Might be acute or chronic
- Acute gastrointestinal issues subsides quickly
- Chronic gastrointestinal issues might result in stomach ulcers
Causes Of Gastric Problems
- Physical and psychological strain can also result in ulceration
Acute gastrointestinal issues subsides quickly - There is also gastric mucosa. The causes of gastric mucosa:
a. Acidic foods
b. Liquor
c. Cigarettes
d. Anxiety
e. Drugs
Drugs Which Can Lead To Gastric Problems
- Erythromycin
- Beta- Blockers
- Corticosteroids
- Aspirin
- Nicotine
Symptoms Of Gastric Problems
- The person feels continuous Pain
- Indigestion is usually one of the first signs
- The person will start to feel nauseous
- Vomiting might occur with gastric problems
- Gastric issues will result in loss of appetite
- Diarrhea might take place
Avoid The Following Gastric Triggers
- Hot curried foods
- Drinking alcohol
- Smoking
- Overindulging or eating too much
- Eating big meals just before bedtime
- Eating greasy food
- Late nights
Treatment For Gastric Problems
- Acute gastric issues resolve naturally
- Chronic issues should be examined by your doctor
- Drugs which can help to treat gastric problems include:
a. Proton pump inhibitors
b. H2 antagonists
c. Antacids - Well-timed meals will relieve pain due to ulcers which may form
- If it is severe, phone a Gastroenterologist to make an appointment
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