
Dealing with impetigo

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Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection that causes red sores that can break open, drain fluids and formation of a yellow-brown crust. Generally, it can happen anywhere in the body. Children are susceptible to this condition and are very contagious. It can be spread to others by using personal belongings such as sheets, towels, clothing and toys of the infected person. In addition, scratching the affected area can spread the sores to other areas of the body.

Impetigo is characterized by red and blistery sores that develops around the mouth, nose and on the arms and legs. The sores will ooze for a few days and then will form a crust.

Causes of impetigo

Begins with tiny red spots, then it becomes blisters and eventually burst open. The sores cause severe pain and itchiness.
  • After suffering from cold or allergies that make the skin under the nose raw.
  • Due to two bacteria such as the streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus aureus.
  • Can infect the skin through a break such as insect bite, cut and other injuries.


  • Begins with tiny red spots, then it becomes blisters and eventually burst open. The sores cause severe pain and itchiness.
  • Oozing fluid that look crusty
  • The sores increase in size and number, they can be small as a pimple or bigger than a coin.
  • Skin lesions and swollen lymph nodes


  • Soak the affected area in warm water or another alternative applying a wet compress for a few minutes to remove the scabs. Repeat this process several times every day. Another alternative is using a blow dryer on the affected area is also good for the condition. Keep the blower in low settings to prevent burns and worsen the condition.
  • After soaking apply the prescribed antibiotic ointment or cream directly on the affected area.
  • Take the prescribed antibiotic medications that are taken orally to prevent recurring of infections.
  • Garlic has natural antibiotic properties that eliminate bacteria, lessen the itchiness and the pain. Heat 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and fry 2-3 cloves of minced garlic. Cool and strain the oil and then apply garlic on the affected area at least two times every day. Another alternative is taking a prescribed supplement is good for the condition.
  • Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and skin-repairing properties and has antioxidants that boost the immune system of the body to fight infections. Open a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract the gel and apply it directly on the affected skin. Let it remain in the area for at least 30 minutes, 2-3 times every day for a week. Another alternative is drinking aloe vera juice every day for strong immunity of the body.


  • Eat a healthy diet to prevent development of infections, boost immunity and for fast healing of the condition.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated
  • Avoid touching the affected area too often
  • Wash hands regularly using antibacterial soap and avoid sharing of personal belongings.
  • Wash linens and clothes using hot water and dry them in direct sunlight.
  • Maintain body hygiene by taking a bath or shower using warm water regularly.


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