Cervical spondylosis is a condition affecting the joints and discs in the cervical spine located in the neck. This condition develops due to wear and tear of the cartilage and bones.
Causes of cervical spondylosis
- Overgrowth of bone or bone spurs can compress the delicate parts of the spine such as the nerves and spinal cord and cause pain.
- The gel inside the disc found between spinal bones dries out over time and cause the bone to rub between each other and cause severe pain.
- Development of cracks on the spinal disc and leaks out internal cushioning substance and compresses the nerves and the spinal cord.
Headaches at the back of the head. - Injury to the neck such as fall or vehicular accidents.
- Stiffness of the ligaments
- Repetitive movements such as heavy lifting in construction work.
- Severe pain in the arm and fingers when sitting, standing, coughing, sneezing and tilting neck backwards.
- Pain around the area of the shoulder blade
- Weakness of the muscle
- Headaches at the back of the head
- Severe stiffness of the neck
- Tingling or numbness sensation of the shoulders and arms and sometimes can happen on the legs.
- Severe symptoms such as loss of balance and loss of bowel or bladder control needs medical help immediately.
- Prescribed over-the-counter pain medications to lessen the pain and the inflammation.
- Apply alternately hot and cold compress on the affected area. Place hot water bag on the affected area for at least 2-3 minutes, remove it and then apply the cold compress for least a minute. Repeat the process for at least 15-20 minutes several times every day. Hot compress increases blood flow in the area and relax the painful muscles. Cold compress lessen the inflammation and the swelling. Wrap hot and cold compresses in a towel before placing to the area to prevent further irritations and worsen the condition. Avoid applying hot compress on the area that is red and irritated. Avoid cold compress if having problems with circulation.
- Prescribed soft brace for the neck or collar to support the area prevent unnecessary movements and lessen the pain.
- Take Epsom Salt bath regularly. Generally, the magnesium found in Epsom salts lessens the stiffness, the inflammation and the pain in the shoulders and neck.
- Prescribed over-the-counter pain medications to lessen the pain and the inflammations.
- Rehabilitation exercises with the help of the physical therapist to stretch the muscles for strength and flexibility of the shoulders and neck. It also lessens the pain and restores range of movement of the neck.