Infant Issues


Dealing with pruritus

Pruritus is an uncomfortable sensation that results to scratching. This condition is also called itch and usually caused by skin disorder such as atopic dermatitis, xerosis, psoriasis, urticaria, mastocytosis, arthropod assault and pemphigoid. Older people are more susceptible to this condition because their skin usually becomes dry as they grow older. In addition, continuous scratching

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ear infection

How to treat an ear infection in toddlers

An ear infection in toddlers is a painful inflammation of the middle ear. It usually happens between the ear drum and the Eustachian tube, which attaches the nose, ears and the throat. Ear infections usually are caused by the common cold due to bacteria or viruses. It causes inflammation and swelling of the Eustachian

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Infant snoring

Infant snoring

When sleeping in the initial weeks of their lives, infants can create all kinds of noises including snoring, whistling and snuffling. This is due to the irregular breathing and pauses while they are breathing. Snoring in babies is a common problem. Babies make noise while sleeping due to their immature airways that are still small

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