While outdoors, you may end up with a bee sting once in your life. In most cases, a bee sting is just an outdoor nuisance and a home remedy is all you need to ease the pain. In serious cases where there are multiple stings or if you have an allergy to bee stings, medical attention is necessary.
Bee stings can produce different symptoms depending if you have an allergy to bee stings. If you are allergic to bee stings, the symptoms will be more severe.
For most people, the symptoms of a bee sting are:
- An instant sharp pain on the site of the sting.
- Swelling around the area where the sting took place.
These symptoms usually disappear within a few hours for most people. If you have a moderate allergy to bee stings, more severe symptoms such as:
- Extreme redness at the site of the sting.
Bee stings can produce different symptoms depending if you have an allergy to bee stings. - Swelling that gradually increases in size over the next day or two.
These moderate symptoms usually last within a week or more. If you have a moderate allergy to bee stings and end up with a sting, that doesn’t mean that your allergy will worsen.
What are the signs of a bee sting?
- Skin reactions, such as the formation of hives and itching
- Difficulty in breathing
- Swelling of the throat and tongue
- Weak rapid pulse
- Nausea, which may develop into vomiting and finally diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Loss of consciousness
People who have a severe allergy to bee stings are at risk for a life-threatening condition or anaphylaxis the next time they are stung. To avoid getting similar allergic reactions the next time you’re stung by a bee, talk to your doctor about taking an immunotherapy (allergy shot).
Bees and wasps are not aggressive and will only sting in self-defense. There are cases where a person can disturb a hive and or swarm of bees and may get stung multiple times.
If you are stung by bees more than twelve (12) times, a toxic reaction may occur from the accumulated venom from the bee stings. The signs and symptoms you may feel include:
- Nausea, which may develop into vomiting and finally diarrhea
- Headache
- Fever
- Dizziness or fainting
- Convulsions
Set an appointment with a doctor immediately if you have a severe allergy to bee stings and sustains a sting.
If the symptoms that came from the bee sting don’t disappear after a few days, you should have an appointment with your doctor immediately.
To prevent bee stings from happening, there are tips that can help you:
- Avoid working or going near a nest or hive.
- Have the hives or nests near your home removed by a professional.
- Keep the windows of your car rolled up.
- Avoid wearing bright colored clothing or clothes with floral printing, this could attract bees.
If a swarm of bees is around you, try to stay calm not to disturb or alert them and slowly walk away from the area. If you’ve been stung by one, cover your mouth and nose the quickly leave the area because when a bee stings, it releases a chemical that attracts more bees.