John Hill is a registered nurse currently working as an article writer specializing on a variety of first aid and CPR topics. With his knowledge in the medical field, he shares knowledge of first aid, CPR and related topics to individuals in all fields.
As a nurse, he considers it as an honor to be able to share to others. The topics that he has provided in several websites can be of great value to anyone at home, school or in the workplace.
With years of experience in the field of writing along with a medical background, he has been a reliable provider of health-related articles to several websites.
Dry eye develops if the tears could not provide sufficient lubrication for the eyes. Tears can also be inadequate when the eyes produce poor quality tears. Tears moisturizes the eyes, they provide electrolytes and enzymes that eliminates bacteria in the eyes. They are also rich in proteins for healthy eyes. They cover the whole eye […]
An ear infection in toddlers is a painful inflammation of the middle ear. It usually happens between the ear drum and the Eustachian tube, which attaches the nose, ears and the throat. Ear infections usually are caused by the common cold due to bacteria or viruses. It causes inflammation and swelling of the Eustachian
Cauliflower ear is characterized by swelling of the ear due to a blood clot. Generally, the blood clot causes damage to the tissue that will result to a lumpy appearance of the ear that resembles a cauliflower. The ear is susceptible to this injury since it projects from the head. The supply of blood to
Bone spur of the wrist are growths of bone on the surface of the wrist bone. The bone spur grow very slowly but sometimes they grow rapidly and very unpredictable. Bone spurs does not usually cause pain, but it may cause pain when pressing against surrounding tissues and rubbing against the nerves. Causes of bone
Spongiotic dermatitis is a chronic condition of the skin affecting the skin on and around the chest, abdominal and the buttocks area. It is an allergic reaction to food, insect bite or severe reaction some drugs or medications. Like other types of dermatitis, it is usually characterized by itchiness and formation of rashes. The rashes
Arthralgia is pain in the joints. It is characterized by a sharp, stabbing, burning or throbbing and ranges in intensity from mild to severe. Generally, it is usually caused by arthritis which is inflammation of the joints. Symptoms of arthralgia At first, pain can happen suddenly and eventually becomes worse Numbness Itching and burning feeling
Glenohumeral arthritis is also called osteoarthritis of the shoulder. The cartilage known as the articular cartilage which is the protective covering at the ends of the bones on the joint of the shoulder becomes degenerated caused by rubbing of bones against each other. This will result to the formation of osteophytes and cause swelling and
Solar plexus is one of the important parts of the body positioned beneath the chest and above the abdomen. It is essential for the functioning of various areas of the body such as the kidneys, stomach, gall bladder, spleen, small intestines and the liver. Solar plexus is also called celiac plexus which is a collection
Uterine fibroids are lumps growing on the uterus. Generally, the fibroids can be on the inside, or on the outside or in the wall of the uterus. Furthermore, this condition is common in women in their 30s and 40s. Types of fibroids Subserosal fibroids affect 50% of the outer area of the uterus and
Costochondritis arises when the cartilage found between the rib and breastbone or sternum becomes swollen and inflamed. It is a common cause of chest pain in adolescents and children. What are the causes? Frequent minor damage to the chest wall Respiratory infections due to viruses Relapsing polychondritis Fibromyalgia Reactive arthritis Bacterial infections from using recreational