Elbow gout

Elbow gout

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Gout is a type of arthritis which is characterized by severe and abrupt pain, reddening and inflammation of the affected joint and it usually affects the great toe, ankle and the knee. Sometimes, gout can also affect the elbow, finger and other joints of the body.

Gout is caused due to buildup of uric acid crystals and once uric acid crystal accumulation occurs inside the elbow joint, it causes severe pain. Men face a higher risk to develop this inflammatory condition than women and usually happen among 50 years and above.

Attacks of gout just heal within 1-2 weeks without any treatment but medications and changes in lifestyle can minimize the symptoms of the condition and can also help in minimizing recurrent attacks of gout.

Elbow gout
Gout in the elbow causes severe pain which suddenly happens at night or early in the morning.

Causes of elbow gout

  • A long time use of diuretics
  • Consumption of alcohol which is the most common cause of gout
  • An injury to the elbow joint
  • Being obese and dehydration


Gout in the elbow causes severe pain which suddenly happens at night or early in the morning. It is very severe that the person feels that his/her elbow is dislocated. When waking up in the morning, there is difficulty moving the elbow and the individual is not capable of lifting, writing or any activity using the affected hand. There is severe pain on the first day along with mild fever and chills.

When pain is tolerable, there is discomfort while moving the hands. Even a touch of clothing and a current of air are agonizing and this can last for days or weeks. A severe attack of gout may spread to other joints such as the fingers and wrist.  The skin on the elbow becomes shiny and scaly after a few days. After the first episode of gout, the second episode may never occur or will happen after a year, but sometimes the next episode will happen within a year. If hyperuricemia is difficult to treat, a tophi or pebble-shaped nodes will appear on the elbow tip.


  • Apply cold and warm compress in order to minimize pain and swelling of the affected area.
  • Drink plenty of water every day in order to flush out uric acid found in the body to help lessen the pain.
  • Eat cherries every day since it helps in minimizing the uric acid in the body and reduce pain.
  • If he/she is obese, encourage him/her to reduce weight in order to minimize recurrent attacks of gout.
  • Eat foods that are low in purines and avoid red meat, high protein foods and excessive amounts of beans and lentils.
  • Encourage individual to engage in some exercises regularly and stop drinking alcohol.

With the help of these measures, the symptoms of elbow gout can be managed. In case the pain is persistent, a doctor should be consulted for proper treatment.





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