Rug burns are a form of first degree burn due to friction. The friction caused by contact of skin and the rug generates mild heat. It damages the tissue in the upper skin layer. Rug burns and other forms of first degree burn do not usually progress to a serious medical condition but can be painful.
- Remove any clothing or jewelry from the site to make it easier to access the affected tissue and prevent any material getting in contact with the burn.
- The hands should be clean before touching the burned area to prevent bacteria from entering and trigger an infection.
Cover the burned area using a dry and sterile covering such as a gauze pad to protect the area and for fast healing of the condition. - Run cool water on the burned area at least 5-10 minutes. Another alternative is soaking the area in cold water. The cool water drives away the heat and lessens further damage to the area. Avoid using ice or ice water to prevent further damage to the area.
- Cover the burned area using a dry and sterile covering such as a gauze pad to protect the area and for fast healing of the condition. Avoid applying bandage with adhesive since it prevents airflow to the area and slow down the healing process.
- Take over-the-counter pain medications such as aspirin or acetaminophen to lessen the pain and inflammation of rug burns.
- Check regularly at least once every day for worsening symptoms that might indicate infection. Symptoms of infection include severe pain, swelling or redness and development of pus. Wash the area using warm water and antibacterial soap. Remove any dirt or debris from the area. Disinfect the wound using iodine, hydrogen peroxide or an antiseptic if there is dirt in the abrasion. Dip a cotton ball in iodine, peroxide or antiseptic and gently apply dab on the affected area. Avoid using alcohol to prevent further damage to the area.
Additional measures
- Apply antibacterial cream on the damaged area.
- Avoid wearing clothing over the burned area to prevent irritation. If there is a need to wear clothes over the area, cover it first with gauze or a bandage.
- Apply some aloe on the affected area for fast healing of the condition. Aloe is available in gel, spray, lotion, liquid and cream. Another alternative is using a fresh aloe vera plant. Open a fresh leaf of the aloe vera plant and squeeze the gel into the burn.
- Increase the intake of vitamin C for fast healing of the condition.
- The healing skin from rug burns are usually itchy. Avoid scratching or picking on the scabs to prevent further damage.
More Information
The details posted on this page on rug burns is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage wounds with proper wound care, enroll in a first aid course with one of our training providers.