Symptoms of propane gas inhalation

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Propane is a useful gas for cooking, heating and fuel for cars. Inhaling propane gas can cause long-term damage in the body. Propane is a liquid gas or vapour inside a sealed container. When propane is used, the gas is released in vapour form from a container and they will burn as fuel for different kinds of uses. The gas is odourless and an artificial odor has been added to warn people using propane gas if there is a leak. Once the smell is detected, the appropriate measures can be carried out to prevent inhalation.

Propane inhalation is very dangerous. An individual who has inhaled propane can experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting, cough, skin irritation, fever, nervousness, pain and numbness in the extremities, irregular heartbeat and weakness in the body.

What to do if propane is inhaled?

In case of inhalation, the  first aid measure is to move the individual to an area with fresh air and see if there is any improvement in the symptoms. If eyes are exposed to propane gas or on the skin, wash it with water for several minutes. If accidentally swallowed, immediately provide the individual with water and milk to drink unless there are symptoms of vomiting and convulsions.  Do not induce the individual to vomit unless a health expert or poison control instructs you.

Propane inhalation
In case of inhalation, the first aid measure is to move the individual to an area with fresh air and see if there is any improvement in the symptoms.

It is important to note that since propane is heavy than air, it can push the oxygen out of a room and if the individual is breathing it in, it can result to the following symptoms:

  • Individual feels dizzy, confused, and there is a sense of euphoria (feeling of happiness and excitement)
  • Propane gas could suffocate your brain  and can lead to a stroke
  • One can fall into a sleep-induced coma or even death
  • Exposure to high concentration of propane could cause nosebleeds, rhinitis, bloodshot eyes or red eyes, weight loss, fatigue, oral and nasal ulceration as well as conjunctivitis

Exposure to liquefied propane gas in which the liquid gas comes in contact with your skin can lead to the following:

  • Skin irritations with skin discoloration along with waxy white or yellow blisters
  • Gangrene and death of a tissue

Safety measures in using propane gas

  • Place propane gas in properly ventilated locations. You have to install gas leak detection tools where the apparatus will be used especially in the kitchen because all the cooking are done there
  • When handling the cylinder, use pressure regulators approved by the manufacturer and always comply strictly with the recommendations of the supplier.
  • If the cylinder is hard to open, do not force it open. Simply take it back to the manufacturer for assistance.
  • Propane gas is highly flammable. With this in mind, do not expose any sources of flames or sparks since it can cause fire.
  • A fire extinguishers and other fire control equipment will be helpful in case of a fire.

1 thought on “Symptoms of propane gas inhalation”

  1. I was used to inhaling propane gas I had taken several time now these days iam inhaliling propane gas daily 5 kg what will be the effect if I inhale
    continue when I inhale propane gas it dazzy me and after that sort term memory loss after that I feel better please suggests

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