infected stretched ear

Remedies for an infected stretched ear

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Some individuals can end up with an infected stretched ear. Ear stretching is a technique used to expand the size of the healed piercing to wear a certain kind of jewelry. The ritual of stretching the ear is being practiced since the older days for traditional or religious purposes. Stretching an ear piercing must be done slowly and patiently to prevent tearing of the stretched ear. When there is overextension of the piercing, you can place a wide or hollow jewelry in the hole.

A small-gauge piercing on the ear without jewelry for a long period will heal on its own. A stretched ear piercing is permanent. Once the ear stretches beyond a certain point, it will loss the ability to heal a large hole made by the stretching process.

Infected stretched ear
Whatever the reason for ear lobe stretching, there is a high risk of infection especially if there no proper care and hygienic measures were not observed during the stretching process.

Whatever the reason for ear lobe stretching, there is a high risk of infection especially if there no proper care and hygienic measures were not observed during the stretching process.

Care for an infected stretched ear

  • Wash hands using warm water and soap for at least 15 seconds before touching the wound.
  • Remove the expander from the ear
  • Wash the ears regularly using antibiotic soap to eliminate germs on the earlobes. It also prevents the accumulation of germs around the area of the earlobe. Soak the infected ear lobe in soapy water for at least a few minutes. Rinse off using lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Fill a bowl with warm distilled water and mix sea salt which has mild antibacterial properties and allows healing of an infected stretched ear. When preparing a solution made out of sea salt, mix a teaspoon of sea salt to a cup of water, mix well until completely dissolved. Soak the infected stretched ear in the saltwater solution for at least 10-15 minutes for 2-3 times every day. Remove the ear from the solution and pat it dry
  • Apply the prescribed antibiotic ointment on the area when it is already dry.
  • During the period where there is still infection, place 1-2 small expanders for a few days to improve the healing of the infected area.
  • If the infection worsens such as swelling of the ear lobe, fever or foul-smelling discharge coming from the stretched ear, seek medical help immediately.


  • You can prevent an infection by gradually increasing the size of the expander. Maintain the same expander for at least 3-4 weeks before changing to a bigger size.
  • Avoid using iron or wood expander rings to prevent infection and irritation. Use steel tapers or expanders.
  • Clean the earlobes regularly using a washcloth and soapy water to prevent accumulation of bacteria and dirt during the stretching process. Rinse the area using warm water.
  • Avoid using rubbing alcohol and disinfectant on the piercing.
  • Remove the jewelry for a few hours to allow the earlobes to breathe.


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