How to treat mammary duct ectasia

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Mammary duct ectasia happens when a milk duct found beneath the nipple becomes wider or dilated in which the duct wall becomes thick and filled with fluid. The milk duct can be clogged with a thick, sticky substance and will trigger discharge from the nipples, tenderness of the breast or soreness of the blocked duct known as periductal mastitis.

Symptoms of mammary duct ectasia

  • There is tenderness of the breast and on the surrounding tissues
  • A dirty white, greenish or black discharge from one or both of the nipples
  • A redness will occur in the nipples and around the surrounding areas
  • A breast lump or thickening can be felt near the clogged duct.
  • A nipple that is turned inward or inverted nipple
Mammary duct ectasia
Mammary duct ectasia can be caused by changes in breast tissue as the person ages mostly glandular and mostly fatty in a process called involution.

Mastitis which is a bacterial infection can also develop in the affected milk duct and will cause inflammation around the areas of the nipple or the areola and fever.

Causes of mammary duct ectasia

  • Mammary duct ectasia can be caused by changes in breast tissue as the person ages mostly glandular and mostly fatty in a process called involution. These normal changes in the breast can cause blockage of the milk duct as well as the inflammation linked with the condition.
  • Smoking cigarette can cause broadening of milk ducts and will result to swelling.
  • An inverted nipple can cause obstruction of milk ducts, inflammation and infections. An inverted nipple could also be a sign of a more serious condition like cancer.

Some of the issues of mammary duct ectasia are typically minor and not very serious such as discharges from the nipple can cause awkward dampness and discoloration of the clothes. It can also cause redness, swelling and tenderness that can be felt around the nipples. A bacterial infection known as periductal mastitis can develop in the affected milk duct which causes pain in or around the nipple. If this infection is not treated, it can result to an abscess which is a collection of pus that can be found in the breast tissue. A hard lump that develops around the milk duct can be a high risk for developing breast cancer.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Apply warm compress on the affected area in order to minimize pain and engorgement. If you want to learn more about this treatment option, click here.
  • If there is discharge from the nipples, use a breast pad or a nursing pad in order to prevent the fluid from leaking through the clothing. They can be bought at the drugstores.
  • Wear a bra that has good support in order to minimize breast discomfort and also to help keep the breast pad in proper place to absorb discharges from the nipple and swelling.
  • Minimize the use of cigarettes since smoking makes it hard to treat an infection. On-going smoking can result to infections or an abscess.

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