
Headache: What makes a headache serious?

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Headaches can occur for a number of reasons. Almost everyone will experience at least one or more headaches in their lifetime, but the severity of such an occurrence differs with nearly everyone. The cause of many headaches can be linked to stress and/or anxiety, which can contribute a great deal to any headache. The likelihood that any life-threatening condition might cause a headache is very rare, but it does happen. In such cases, it is wise to consult a physician. Barring that, however, most headaches have a common cause. The types of headaches that people suffer through most often are numerous in description and intensity.

Types and causes of a headache

Headaches can occur for a number of reasons. Almost everyone will experience at least one or more headaches in their lifetime
Headaches can occur for a number of reasons. Almost everyone will experience at least one or more headaches in their lifetime

1) Tension headaches usually cause pain in various parts of the head. More often than not they are due to undue stress.

2) Sinus headaches are caused by a stuffed up nose and are more often affiliated with flu or a cold. The pain often sits just behind the eyes or around the nose, making it feel as though these areas are stuffed and unable to be cleared. Such a headache can last for several days until the symptoms pass.

3) Migraines are amongst the worst types of headaches and are usually throbbing points of pain on the side of the head. Women are more prone towards migraines than men, and the symptoms and causes can vary. A migraine often leaves the individual nauseous and overly sensitive to light as well.

4) Cluster headaches are almost like migraines as they occur on the side of the head. Such headaches can leave the eyes watering, but are not as intense as migraines. Alcohol consumption can bring this type of headache on.

When to seek medical help

In most cases, headaches are not serious enough to warrant more than pain medication and rest. Should the headache persist though it is best to see a doctor concerning the frequency and pain level. What makes a headache serious usually comes down to how often they occur and how they affect the daily life of the individual experiencing them. The time to see a doctor concerning headaches is when:

1) The frequency of the headaches is more than twice a week and is getting worse. If a person is over 50 and experiencing such frequent headaches they are strongly advised to see a doctor.

2) If there are other physical effects such as vomiting, memory loss, weakness, and injury, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately as something more than just a headache might be occurring.

3) If it is caused by something as innocuous as sneezing, laughing, or mild physical exertion, it is time to see a doctor.

Headaches are not usually a cause for concern, but if they increase in frequency and pain it is likely that the ache is only a precursor to something worse.

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